Argentina has witnessed a massive protest on streets by women. The women are walking out of work and wearing black to protest against femicide of a teenager named Lucia Perez.

Lucia Perez was drugged with cocaine, impaled on a spike and suffered “inhumane sexual aggression” that triggered a heart attack.

She was a 16-year-old girl from Buenos Aires, Argentina. She was abducted outside her school in Mar del Plata on October 8. She was drugged and raped repeatedly. Lucia was treated violently and was sodomised with an “unspecified object” so violently that she bled out from her internal injuries, as reported by CNN.

After the attack, she was washed and dressed by her abductors. She was then dumped at a drug rehab clinic. The staff of the clinic thought that she was simply suffering from a cocaine overdose but after the detailed examination, it was found that she was subjected to violence. She later succumbed to death.

The police traced the van that dropped Lucia at the clinic and arrested the suspects. They found drugs, used condoms, sex toys and gun ammunition in the van. The third abductor is still searched.