Tags Syria

Tag: Syria


The Turks decided to lick Americans in a certain place: Putin

Vladimir Putin issued a furious new attack on Turkey over the shooting down of a Russian warplane, and said it might be impossible to heal ties with Turkey.

Islamist jihadi blown up on camera while filming a video

The man was speaking to camera describing how his Islamist allied group Ajnad al-Sham had captured Tal Sukayk in the Hama countryside, a strategic location.

A stab on back, says Putin; NATO holds extraordinary meet

Accusing Turkey of aiding the Islamic State by helping it sell its oil, Putin says he finds it suspicious that Turkey has reached out to NATO but not to Moscow.

Three teams, Kalashnikov rifles and all about Paris attacks

The attackers who killed 129 people in shootings and suicide bombings appeared to be split into three coordinated teams armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles.