
Amazing image of India Pakistan border at night!

An image of India-Pakistan border taken from the International Space Station (ISS) shows one of the few places on the Earth where an international boundary can be seen at night.

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly returns to Earth after a year

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly is back on Earth after a record-setting 340 consecutive days in space, the most in NASA's history.

Bengal village teen bags top NASA scholarship

Proud moment for India! Village girl from Bengal wins prestigious NASA scholarship.She is among five scholars chosen from across the world for this programme.

NASA releases strange ‘Music’ heard by 1969 Astronauts

NASA releases strange "music" heard by 1969 Astronautsthat while they were on the far side of the Moon, out of radio contact with the Earth.

Happy Holidays – Christmas card sent from space

Three astronauts shared their thoughts on being in orbit away from home during holidays and what Christmas means to them in the first Christmas card from space.

See full, sunlit side of Earth as it rotates

NASA has launched a new website where you can see images of the full, sunlit side of the Earth as it rotates every day.