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World’s cheapest smartphone, Freedom 251 at Rs 251

Noida-based firm Ringing Bells officially launched the Freedom 251 smartphone in New Delhi on Wednesday. You can buy it for Rs 251.

Ringing Bells to launch world’s cheapest smartphone

Indian company Ringing Bells is set to launch the cheapest smartphone in the world named Freedom 251, on Wednesday for just RS.500.

Robots could erase 5.1 million jobs by 2020

Robots and artificial intelligence could erase 5.1 million jobs by 2020, a new study published on Monday by the World Economic Forum in Davos claims.

Kim Kardashian’s new Kimoji app crashes Apple Store

Kim Kardashian's new released Kimoji app reportedly broke the Apple app store because of the flood of downloads.

Six-year-old gets a 3D-printed hand — his best Christmas gift ever

6-year-old Cooper was born without a left hand. So a professor and his students decided to build him one using 3D printing technology.He got the best Christmas gift ever!

Kerala’s Jatayu Nature Park

Kerala’s Jatayu Nature Park is nearly ready and it is to be opened for public from January 2016.

A new Earth? Nearest planet capable of supporting life found

Astronomers have spotted a star, 14 light years away — next door to us in space terms — and has a planet going around it that is able to support life.

Railway partners with Google India to provide Wi-Fi at 400 stations

The telecom wing of the Indian Railway, RailTel, has signed an agreement with Google India to provide Wi-Fi facilities at 400 stations across the country.

A smartphone that you can wash

Phones can carry extremely high levels of bacteria.A Japanese company has invented a smartphone that can be thoroughly washed.

#ChennaiFloods: Online help centres for Chennai flood victims

As Chennai reels under the worst-ever floods, here is a list of services and organisations with contact details to avail any help. You may also offer your help.