Celebrities including Shah Rukh Khan, Mukesh Ambani, Gautam Adani, Amitabh Bachchan and ex-PM Manmohan Singh won’t have to face embarrassing frisking at the US airports anymore. As a part of ‘Global Entry Program’ for expedited immigration clearance in the US, a list of VIPs is being prepared to exempt them of frisking.

The VIPs won’t need to stand in queues. In stead, they will head for an automated and designated ‘Global Entry Program’ counters at US airports. The list may contain a little more than 2,000 names. Once decided, special cards will be issued to them.

The VIPs will enter the US through automatic kiosks at select airports, present machine-readable passports, place fingerprints and complete a customs declaration form before collecting their baggage and exit. Several nations including Netherlands, Panama, South Korea, Germany, Peru, Mexico and Canada will be a part of the Global Entry Program.