After Denmark and Hungary, the government in God’s own country is all set to impose fat tax on junk foods. The Pinarayi Vijayan- led Kerala government has imposed a ‘fat tax’ on consumers eating foods like Pizza, burgers and tacos. Presenting the budget in the Assembly on Friday, the Kerala Finance Minister Thomas Isaac has announced a fat tax of 14.5% on branded restaurants. Fast-food chains like McDonalds, Dominos, Pizza Hut, Subway among others are likely to see the new tax imposed on them.

The “fat tax” is concerned with issues related to public health more than revenue generation, “During the pre-budget discussions, we had asked the public for suggestions. They have been sending us mails to do something about fast foods, especially those, run by branded multinational restaurants,” said P. Mara Pandiyan, additional chief secretary at Kerala’s tax department.

This tax may certainly be a disincentive to the massive change in lifestyles of those suffering from obesity, but it may also be uncomfortable for those who are healthy and occasionally consume fast food.