Har Parkash Rishi, a Delhi resident, is obsessed with records, so much so that he has over 20 of them against his name.

The 74-year-old is so dedicated to setting records, he would go to any lengths to get it done.

One of the records of the man who calls himself ‘Guinness Rishi’ is for the most number of flags tattooed on his body. He has a total of 366 flags tattooed all over his body.

For another record, to put nearly 500 drinking straws in his mouth, he got all his tooth removed. He also holds a record for putting more than 50 burning candles in his mouth at the same time.

He was first mentioned in the Guinness Book in the year 1990 when he, along with two of his friends, rode a scooter for 1001 hours!

Rishi even set another bizarre record when he delivered a pizza from New Delhi to San Francisco!

“I am the world record holder of 496 straws in my mouth … For that record, I needed space, I had to remove every tooth so that I could put maximum straws in my mouth,” Rishi told Reuters, in an interview.

Rishi is now getting tattoos of global leaders on his skin!

Notably those of Indian PM Narendra Modi, US Prez Barack Obama, Queen Elizabeth and Mahatma Gandhi!