Yusuf Mukati from Aurangabad wanted to help the poor in his neighborhood, so he started Roti Bank, where people deposit food and the needy can withdraw meals.

The bank was inaugurated on the 5th of December,2015 with a mere 250 depositors. The bank operates in a simple yet efficient manner. The depositors are each given a particular account number. Every day, they are required to deposit two rotis and a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian dish of their choice. The food is to be prepared by the depositors in a hygienic manner, and must be fresh.

The food deposited is inspected, and then put into storage. The beneficiaries include families that are unable to afford even two square meals a day. These families are offered healthy, hygienic home-made food of their choice in adequate amounts. At times, several Hindu and Muslim weddings have sent numerous plates of food from their wedding menu.

On an average, about 500 under privileged are fed daily. The depositors include both Muslim and Hindu families, along with about a hundred students. Over time, the noble deed has raised interest and has been seeing an increase in its membership.

The idea and its implementation are humane and touching. It is heartwarming to see people do their bit to help a fellow human.