This is the adorable moment a 106-year-old woman met President Barack Obama for the first time and turned it into a dance party. The minute Virginia McLaurin sees Obama as she walks into the White House she yells ‘Hi!’ to the president, opening her arms wide with excitement as he comes over and takes her hands.

The overjoyed Virginia continues to dance in the middle of the couple, letting out a ‘Wooo!’ as they take some pictures.‘I thought I would never live to get in the White House,’ Virginia tells then the president.

The special guest was invited to meet the president as part of Black History Month celebrations, according to reports, and told the Obamas: “I am so happy to have a black president and a black wife… And I’m here to celebrate black history”.

Virginia’s White House dance party came a year after a petition was launched to help get her an invite. She posted a video on YouTube telling Obama how much she’d love to meet him and his family and on Sunday her dream finally came true. This adorable moment is now viral on social media.