Delhi kicked off the traffic rationing scheme on the first day of the new year 2016 with a view to curb the alarmingly high air pollution in the national capital. As per the new rule, private cars with registration numbers ending with a even digit can ply on even dates and odd numbers on odd dates from 8 am till 8 pm except Sunday. The digit ‘zero’ is to be treated as ‘even’.

Bharatiya Janata Party MP and former Mumbai Police commissioner Satyapal Singh was the first VIP found to travel in a even-numbered car, violating the rule. However, he was reportedly not issued a challan, and was let off with a leaflet with odd-even rules mentioned on it.

All you need to know about the odd-even formula:

Those with registration numbers ending in odd digits will be allowed to ply on odd dates and even digits on even dates from 8am to 8pm during January 1-15 except Sundays. Any violation will be fined of Rs 2,000 but no impounding of the car.

CNG and electric cars (CNG cars will have to collect a sticker from IGL pumping stations),
Women-only cars (both driver and occupants are women)
Cars driven by women with a male companion below 12-years-old
Vehicles being used for medical emergencies (based on trust and onus is on the driver to convince the law enforcing agency)
Vehicles occupied/driven by people with disabilities
President, Vice-president, Prime Minister, Governors, Chief Justice, Speaker of Lok Sabha, Union Ministers, Leaders of Opposition (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha), Chief Ministers of States and Union Territories (except Delhi), Supreme Court judges, Deputy Chairperson of Rajya Sabha, Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha; Lieutenant Governors of Union Territories; Delhi High Court judges; Lokayukta
Emergency vehicles: Ambulances, fire brigade trucks, hospital, prison, hearse van
Enforcement vehicles: Police, Delhi transport department, authorised by Delhi Divisional Commissioner, paramilitary forces
Vehicles with Ministry of Defence number plates
Vehicles with a pilot/escort
Vehicles of SPG protectees
Embassy vehicles with CD numbers