Barack Obama cancels meeting with Philippine president after Rodrigo Duterte insults him. Duterte used derogatory language when speaking about the US president and warned him not to bring up the alleged extrajudicial killings of drug dealers.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called Barack Obama a “son of a whore” on Monday as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.

“Who does he think he is? I am no American puppet. I am the president of a sovereign country and I am not answerable to anyone except the Filipino people,” Duterte scoffed in a speech Monday. “Son of a b****, I will swear at you.”

These comments came after White House officials said US President Barack Obama would confront the Philippines President about his country’s handling of drug dealers, including extra-judicial killings, or government executions without the benefit of judicial proceedings.