Even as an embarrassed Odisha government attempts to sweep the issue of Kalahandi tribal Dana Majhi carrying his wife’s corpse under carpet, Bahrain Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has reportedly extended financial help to the family drowned in grief.

Though the amount have not been officially confirmed by the Prime Minister. The Indian embassy in Bahrain said, “The Bahraini prime minister responded to media reports on the incident and has made an offer for humanitarian assistance. He has decided to make a contribution but we have not yet received any official confirmation regarding the amount of money or when it will be made.”

On August 24, Dana Manjhi was forced to carry his wife’s body on his shoulder for 10 kilometres because of the alleged lack of an ambulance. Majhi’s 42-year-old wife died of tuberculosis a day before at the district hospital at Bhawanipatna.