Arya Permana, who is a 10-year-old boy from Java is the world’s heaviest kid ever recorded at 192 kgs by weight.

He can wear only a sarong because his parents cannot find clothes that can possibly fit him. He eats food which is enough for two full grown adults and has meals five times a day consisting of rice, fish, beef, vegetable soup, and Tempeh.

His father is a farmer and tries to do everything to support his massive appetite, sometimes, his parents have to borrow money to feed him, his mother says she cannot let him go to bed on an empty stomach.

He had to quit school as he couldn’t breathe after a taking a few steps and he sleeps with his head leaned against a wall so that he can breathe easily.

His mother, worried for his health and scared for his life, has been giving him only brown rice to eat and baffled by his weight gain which a doctor described as ‘healthy’.

Arya, the second son of Rokayah, 35, and her husband Ade Somantri, 45, a farmer, was born at home via natural birth and weighed a normal 3.2kg.