A powerful, 7.8-magnitude earthquake shook Ecuador’s central coast on Saturday, cracking buildings and rattling homes as far away as the capital of Quito.

The US Geological Survey said the quake was centered 27 kilometers (16 miles) south-southeast of Muisne, Ecuador, in a sparsely populated area of fishing ports popular with tourists. It had a depth of 19 kilometers. It originally put the quake at a magnitude of 7.4 then raised it to 7.8.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said hazardous tsunami waves are possible for some coasts.

In the capital, the quake was felt for about 40 seconds and people fled buildings to the streets in fear. Quito is located about 170 kilometers (105 miles) from the quake’s epicenter. The quake appeared to have knocked out electricity and cel phone coverage in several neighborhoods in the capital.

Ecuador’s Vice President Jorge Glas says at least 28 people have been killed in a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit the country’s central coast.