In a bizarre incident, Pakistan’s Nawaz Sharif was put up for sale on eBay on Thursday after an anonymous user gave vent to frustrations with the prime minister over the Panama Papers leak. The advertisement has been posted under the caption, “Useless Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif for Sale” describing the leader as “new with defects”.

“Not in working condition. It never worked. It was faulty and corrupt by birth. The whole range of the product and its family is Genetically defected and corrupt… Take it away and rid us of this disease.”

The post, which went viral in Pakistan, promised to throw in Sharif’s brother Shahbaz, the current governor of Punjab province, for free.

Sharif has been under pressure since the so-called Panama Papers leak linked his family to a series of offshore companies.

The post also echoed criticisms about the amount of time the prime minister spends abroad.

By Thursday afternoon the auction had received 100 bids of up to 66,200 pounds ($94,000). It was removed from the site shortly after.