A test tube baby boy was born on February 24, 2016, in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province from an embryo frozen 12 years ago, the country’s longest preserved test tube baby.

A 40-year-old woman named Li gave birth to her second son, weighing 3,440 grammes at birth on Wednesday morning.

She suffers from blocked fallopian tubes and polycystic ovary syndrome, a health problem that can affect a woman’s fertility and pregnancy. Li began trying to get pregnant through IVF in 2003.

That year doctors harvested her eggs and created embryos with her husband’s sperm. They implanted two fresh embryos to her womb and froze others that they considered viable.

Li gave birth to a healthy boy in 2004, and has since spent three yuan (around 50 cents) per day to store the embryos in the hospital in case of an emergency. Last year, when China dropped its one-child policy, she decided to have a second child.