Shah Rukh Khan, who recently faced attacks in Bhuj while shooting Raees, was at the receiving end of protests once again on Tuesday evening when he visited Hansraj college in the national capital. The 50-year-old actor was in Delhi to collect his college degree and also launch the first song of his next, Fan.

A group of students, believed to be affiliated to ABVP, staged a protest outside Delhi University’s Hansraj College where Shah Rukh Khan came for an event and shouted slogans against the actor telling him to go back. The 50-year-old Dilwale star was in his alma mater to launch a song from his next, Fan, which is also set in Delhi.

Around 10 students stood outside the college’s main gate and shouted slogans like “Go Back Shah Rukh” and ‘Shah Rukh Khan murdabad’. SRK visited the college to collect his graduation degree.

Source: Hindustan Times