Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal sacked his Food and Environment Minister Asim Ahmed Khan over corruption charges on Friday and inducted another Muslim MLA Imran Hussain into his Cabinet. The AAP chief declared in a press conference with live coverage by national television channels that an one-hour sting audio tape speaks about Khan’s alleged nexus with a builder and he has referred the case to the CBI.

He said his government had received allegations against Khan last night that he demanded money from a builder to continue construction of a building in his constituency of Matia Mahal. The decision was taken after examining the audio clip in which the sacked minister was heard asking for a bribe from a builder.

“We received a complaint last night that a building was being built in his constituency. Its construction was stopped and money was demanded from the builder, who paid the amount. There was a mediator between the MLA and the Minister,” Kejriwal said.

“We will not spare anyone be it Minister, MLA or officer. Just give us evidence and we will remove the culprit the moment such charges are brought to our notice,” the CM said. “It was not a result of media expose. There will be no compromise with corruption. The decision has been taken with a heavy heart as there was a lot of trust involved. He’s being removed till the CBI probe is on.”

I am victim of a conspiracy: Khan
After getting the boot, Khan said he was a victim of a conspiracy and vowed to expose the plot adding he has no grudge against the party chief. “Our party has a clean image. Whenever there is an allegation against any AAP member, action is taken,” Khan said, adding “I’m shocked. Let me gather all the details. I will answer all questions tomorrow.”

As per a report on Hindustan Times, Khan confessed his wrongdoing after confronted with the audio clip. The complainant, who requested anonymity, first approached a senior AAP leader and filed a “written complaint” later. As Kejriwal sought evidence, the audio clip was provided.