Air pollution in China is unavoidable. In 2015, 366 out of 366 cities surveyed, including Beijing, failed to meet World Health Organization air quality standards. In December last year, China issued its first ever pollution ‘red alert’ alarming its citizens and people around the world to take note of the devastating consequences of air pollution.

While the Chinese government is taking extreme steps to combat the problem, other environmental groups are adopting their own methods to highlight this problem.

In an effort to raise awareness about the dangers of air pollution, environmental group WildAid recently launched its GOblue program and come up with this humorous way of spreading its message.

Recently the group launched a public service announcement video “Hairy Nose” which shows a smog-filled society where people have adapted by growing long nose hairs to filter out the harmful particles. In the video, every person and even animals are seen with long nose-taches.

The ultimate message of the public service announcement is, “Change air pollution before it changes you.”