An Akshay Kumar fan, who was waiting outside the Mumbai airport to catch a glimpse of the star, was punched in his head by the actor’s bodyguard. The fan was trying to take a picture with the star when the incident took place. The onlookers were left totally baffled as the bodyguard, who has been working with Akshay for several years now, rarely loses his temper. As Akshay was whisked away from the scene, he was absolutely unaware of what had happened. The video got viral and Akshay grabbed headlines for the wrong reasons.

However, the actor has now responded to the incident and has apologised to the fan who was punched by the superstar’s bodyguard. The actor tweeted a message wherein he has clarified his stance saying that he didn’t know what exactly happened at the airport and after being informed about the whole incident, he reprimanded the bodyguard and gave him a warning to never misbehave with his fans.