A new video has emerged, thanks to ABP News, which shows JNU student Umar Khalid shouting anti-India slogans. While some videos making rounds on social media so far were not clear as to who were shouting slogans, this video in contrast shows clearly Khalid shouting “Bharat Tere Tukde Honge” followed by others chanting “Insa Allah, Insa Allah”. In previous videos the slogans on Afzal Guru were being heard but their faces were not on the camera’s view.

Videos released earlier by India Today and NDTV India showed the ‘Zee News video’, on basis of which Delhi Police had registered the ‘sedition’ case, could have been tampered. One of those videos showed Umar Khalid was going away from the spot even as anti-India slogans were being raised from the background, raising doubts on authenticity of the video. This led to claims that audio could have been imposed on the visuals to portray the innocent students as anti-nationals.

Even though this latest video shows Umar Khalid shouting anti-India slogan, the reporter claims the security and staff present in the JNU campus at the time of the incident had no clue on identity of the others, adding they could be outsiders and not JNU students.

A sedition case was registered against few JNU students including students union president Kanhaiya Kumar who was arrested, followed by protests from students, teachers and political parties.

Disclaimer: 24live has not verified authenticity of the video.